Wednesday 27 March 2013

Evaluation - filming and editing

We have finished filming and recording our evaluation. We used a camera to film the shots of us talking but also a sound recorder because the camera we used doesn't pick up soundvery well. We also started editing. So far we have completed all the lip syncing and cut the unnecessary bits. We will now put shots of examples on. Because we have practised our editing skills over the project we were able to edit it quickly and efficiently.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Package Final Draft

This is the final draft of our second title sequence. We aren't going to do our evaluation on this film but we are happy how it turned out as we had to plan, shoot and edit it in a much shorter time scale.

Monday 25 March 2013

Evaluation progress

Today we started our evaluation. We used Google Drive so we could all work on the same document both in lessons and out of lessons. We need to add a little more detail to our answers so they are a good standard. Our plan for presenting our evaluation is to talk over examples from our title sequences and pictures of relevant research we have previously done. We will also show shots of us speaking however we are wanting to keep these to a minimum as we will have to read off a script and therefore look unprofessional.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Title of our second title sequence

We researched other action films in terms of their titles. We found some action films are named after their protagonist. Films such as James Bond and the Bourne franchise follow this convention. Other titles we found were short and therefore had impact. These films include The Terminator, The Tourist, The Mummy, The Grey and many others. We decided to follow this convention and as our film focused on a box we came up with The Package.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Editing our second title sequence

We have completed filming our action film and we have started to edit it. We were lucky on the day of our shoot because of the overcast conditions which allowed natural darker shots so we didn't have to darken the shots when editing. Originally we had planned to put the titles on the screen while the actors were running past but decided against because it took the audiences attaention away from the action. We chose to have a stationary shot of the actors with the name on top of this. We have also made the shots black and whote when paused and red text. This not only makes the text stand out far more but emphasises the red which
connotes danger