Wednesday 27 March 2013

Evaluation - filming and editing

We have finished filming and recording our evaluation. We used a camera to film the shots of us talking but also a sound recorder because the camera we used doesn't pick up soundvery well. We also started editing. So far we have completed all the lip syncing and cut the unnecessary bits. We will now put shots of examples on. Because we have practised our editing skills over the project we were able to edit it quickly and efficiently.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Package Final Draft

This is the final draft of our second title sequence. We aren't going to do our evaluation on this film but we are happy how it turned out as we had to plan, shoot and edit it in a much shorter time scale.

Monday 25 March 2013

Evaluation progress

Today we started our evaluation. We used Google Drive so we could all work on the same document both in lessons and out of lessons. We need to add a little more detail to our answers so they are a good standard. Our plan for presenting our evaluation is to talk over examples from our title sequences and pictures of relevant research we have previously done. We will also show shots of us speaking however we are wanting to keep these to a minimum as we will have to read off a script and therefore look unprofessional.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Title of our second title sequence

We researched other action films in terms of their titles. We found some action films are named after their protagonist. Films such as James Bond and the Bourne franchise follow this convention. Other titles we found were short and therefore had impact. These films include The Terminator, The Tourist, The Mummy, The Grey and many others. We decided to follow this convention and as our film focused on a box we came up with The Package.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Editing our second title sequence

We have completed filming our action film and we have started to edit it. We were lucky on the day of our shoot because of the overcast conditions which allowed natural darker shots so we didn't have to darken the shots when editing. Originally we had planned to put the titles on the screen while the actors were running past but decided against because it took the audiences attaention away from the action. We chose to have a stationary shot of the actors with the name on top of this. We have also made the shots black and whote when paused and red text. This not only makes the text stand out far more but emphasises the red which
connotes danger

Tuesday 12 March 2013


As the director of sound, it was one of my jobs to choose the music that we would use for our chase scene. I wanted something with a quick tempo and a high intensity so it would fit the genre conventions and set the right tone that would establish the film as an action film.

After I found several suitable tracks we decided to use movement proposition by Kevin Macleod.

It has the right tempo and intensity for our title sequence. It creates tension and is also mysterious and these attributes fit with what we need.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Shooting the chase

Today we shot all of our title sequence. We had limited time so we had to discipline ourselves and follow our plans. At our first location we shot the final few shots of the chase. We picked a location where the protagonist could hide and escape. Our next location was in Halifax town centre. Although we had an idea where our shots would take place we needed to improvise as we didn't want people in the background so some shots couldn't take place where we wanted them to be. We did overcome this problem and came back with some good shots. We got lucky with the weather as it was an overcast day which meant the shots were darker and more effective in connoting mystery. The darker shots also fit with the genre conventions.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Risk Assessment

Persons that may be harmed
Property which may be damaged
Risk controls in place
Risk assessment low, moderate, high, extreme
Further action required to control risk
Actors, camera man
Confirm that everyone involved know where the tripping hazards are and are aware how to avoid them
Jumping over railings
Make sure the actors have the ability to jump over the railings comfortably
Slippery pavements and slope
Actors, camera man
Where possible make sure the camera man and actors have appropriate footwear
Make sure everyone knows where the slipping hazard are and avoid then where possible

Monday 4 March 2013

Time Line


Shooting Schedule

We are going to film on Wednesday 6th from 10:00 to 13:00. We have three hours to get all out shots completed and travel to all the locations and back to school. The locations we are planning to film at are around Halifax Town centre and just outside. This is a much shorter time scale to shoot than our previous film however we think we can achieve it because of the skills and experience we have gained.


The narrative of our second film would revolve around a box. It would never be revealed what is in the box until the end. Our protagonist is trying to keep the box in his possession away from the antagonist. Our title sequence shows a chase to set up the importance of the box. We also introduce our protagonist and our antagonist early on. We don't show the audience what is in the box to create mystery and suspense.