Sunday 27 January 2013

Genre Conventions

The genre of our film is comedy/action. The conventions of this genre are as follows:

  • Comedy action films usually focus on one r two characters. An example of this is Johnny English or Bad Boys
  • Comedy films normally start by setting up the scene or describing the character. Hot Fuzz gives us background to the main protagonists. Then something crosses the protagonists path which they have to solve.
  • Many comedy action films contain lots of violence so that it becomes funny, such as Hot Fuzz
  • Weapons are used frequently and can be a source of humour like in Johnny English
  • Music often conveys the tone of the film and how dark it is.
  • Editing is used in comedy action films can sometimes have a fast cutting speed to show action.
  • Montages are often used in comedy action movies, sometimes to make it comedic or to give the audience information about the characters.
  • Films such as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz use hypersensitive sounds.
  • Comedy action films aren't filled with jokes as such but often use mise-en-scene for comedic effect. A good example of this is Johnny English
  • Juxtapositions are often used for comic effect, comparing opposite things.
  • Unlikely situations are frequently used. Hot Fuzz shows characters unlikely to be violent with weapons
Many of the genre conventions appear in this short clip from Hot Fuzz such as the fast cutting speed, violence, juxtapositions, weapons, music and mise-en-scene used for comic effect
Examples of films that have an action/comedy genre are as follows:
Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Johnny English
Bad Boys
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol
Rush Hour
Kick Ass
Men in Black

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