Wednesday 23 January 2013

Raiders of the lost ark opening sequence

The opening title sequence here builds up the protaganists character. The camera shots don't show his face which makes him appear mysterious. The music also creates this mysterious vibe through the use of legato notes. The non-diegetic sound of the animals also help build up the scene of  a mysterious jungle.

The low shot (shown on the right) connotes superiority. It is also quite dark again showing mystery about the protagonist and mystery about his surroundings and that he may be in danger. Many of the shots used show the protagonist through leaves or branches. This shows that he is in dense jungle and creating the mysterious tone of this opening sequence.

The jumpy and worried men that are following him show that there could be danger, this causes a juxtaposition between the scared men and confident protagonist which builds up the his character. A good example of this is when the birds fly out of the cave and scare one man. The protagonist then walks straight past the cave without flinching. The fact that he is leading the men through the mysterious jungle connotes his superiority and shows that he is the leader throughout the film. The protagonist investigates the poison dart first again showing that he is the leader and superior to the other men following him. The other men show their inferiority by not asking questions or talking to the protagonist.

The text used for the titles fades on to the screen and then off which adds to the mystery. The font has a slight black outline, matching the dark mise-en-scene used.

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