Saturday 23 February 2013

Changes to the first draft

We made several changes to our first draft based on the target audience feedback we received.

The first change was to change all the titles in the first part of the sequence to diegetic. The title we changed was "photography by Jack Chappell" Instead of the text being non-diegetic on the wall we changed this to writing on the wall in chalk. We felt this matched the rest of the sequence and looked better. However it was difficult to write neatly and as a result it's slightly hard to read.

Another change was made to the long shot where the protagonist struggles to open the door. Previously we cut to a medium shot in because the original footage went on for too long so we had to cut. Our audience said this disorientated them so we have changed this to  a dissolve transition.

We also did the computer screen shot again as our audience said it was difficult to read. We made it a little smoother and slower in a slightly wider shot.

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