Sunday 3 February 2013

Filming Progress

Wednesday 30th - We had planned to do 19 shots however we underestimated the amount of time some of the shots were going to take to set up the mise-en-scene so ran out of time and will have to organise another time to film the missing shots. We had some difficulties with shot number 2 as it had a high angle and to position the camera correctly, Joe had to hold it and keep it still. Feeling that the end of the sequence needed to be built up further into an important part, we shot a few extra bits so that we could increase the cutting. This will hopefully make the last line more humorous.

Thursday 31st - originally we hadn't planned on filming but due to the shots on the previous day we thought we could get a couple of shots done. We filmed 5 shots however one shot couldn't be filmed because we couldn't use the props needed. Despite this setback we decided to replace it with a different shot we spontaneously devised.

The shooting schedule shows that filming was going to take place on Friday 1st but we didn't have the necessary equipment.

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