Saturday 9 February 2013

Progress Update

We had originally planned two filming sessions as shown on our shooting schedule however we had to organise an extra shoot on Wednesday 6th. This was because we didn't film all the shots we needed and because some of the shots had errors. We also decided to add more shots with a view to increasing the cutting speed towards the end of the sequence. This would build the action to place more emphasis on the protagonists actions and hopefully increase the humour of the end joke. When we shot the extra scenes we didn't use a storyboard and instead improvised a few ideas on the spot.

We decided to include a shot of the protagonist gazing out of the window (right) before shot 15 however we couldn't get the lighting right and it will have to be done again. We chose this particular window because of the mise en scene of the red curtains. Except from this one shot, we have finished our filming.

We have started our editing. The first scene, when the protagonist is in his house has been put together. Jacob has matched the shots to music effectively but we may have to cut a few shots to keep the sequence under two minutes.

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