Tuesday 19 February 2013


One thing we knew before the editing process was that the jokes needed to be supported by the editing to work. One technigue we used was to cut to a closer shot at the point of a joke. This makes it easy for the audience to watch and enjoy as they know nwhere the comedy is coming from. We also matched the comedy to the music which hopefully gives the same effect.

The titles are a mixture of diegetic and non-diegetic and on reflection we think we could have made the titles in the first part of the sequence all diegetic but in the second part of the sequence have all non-diegetic text. This would show how the protagonist has changed.

The non-diegetic text we have used in the second half of the sequence is black font and we decided to use this as it matches the shots on screen as the protagonist becomes a spy. The end title is in a bold red font and we used this for impact. The effect connotes smoothness and reflects the protagonists thoughts of himself.

The montage of the protagonist suiting up has a fast cutting speed. We decided to include more shots while filming the scenes to build up the action and also the comedy as the end of the sequence finishes with a juxtaposition of Glen's mum mothering him.

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